Vii international meeting about industrial heritage
Gijón (asturias)- spain
from 21st to 24th -september 2005
Assembly Hall Cultural Center Antiguo Instituto
Inauguration on September 21st: Assembly Hall Hotel Trade School
Paseo de Begoña s/n (Gijón)
Organization: INCUNA Industrial Archaeology Association and
"Máximo Fuertes Acevedo" Association.
Collaborators: TICCIH- España (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage); Culture Ministry of the Regional Government; Tourism Joint Society of the Council ofGijón; Culture Municipal Foundation, Education and Popular University, High Industrial Engineers Association of Asturias and León.; Oviedo University; Oviedo University Foundation; Savings Bank of Asturias; Port Authority; Hidrocantábrico Foundation; Alsa Group S.A.; Mieres Council; Ministry of Defence of the Spanish Government.
INCUNA..C/ La Muralla, 3 entlo.- 33202 Gijón. Telf. y Fax 985.319385E-Mail:
war industrial heritage in peace times
INCUNA and the "Máximo Fuertes Acevedo" Association are pleased to present you "Atenea´s signs. War Industrial Heritage in Peace Times" as the central item of the VII International Meeting about Industrial Heritage that will take place in Gijón in 2005.
The powerfull Atenea represented for the ancient greeks the incarnation of the wisdom and courage and fortune in war, specially in the aspects related to the weapons´ consagration during its manufacture and lately during its use in the battlefield in front of the enemy. Simulating ancient greeks we pretend to use that Atenea´s powers and combine them in a "divine" way in this VII Meeting and so we could put all the wisdom of the ancient Athen´s goddess at the service of the investigation and science in order to turn her war legacy into an historical heritage for all the men in peace times.
During the Meeting papers and informs will be presented of national and international area, related with the study, analysis, interpretation and valuation of the varied historical and industrial heritage generated for the war and for the defence policy carried out by the countries and specially Spain since the ending of the XVIII Century. By this way, they are included all the investigation ways related with:
- Weapon and arms in general. Factories and enclaves of raw materials supply (coal, wood, iron, etc, ). The residential areas and houses linked with arms factories.
- The ways of transport built for the war ( aviation, railway, etc, ).
- Civil engineering buildings generated for the war ( bridges, bunkers, shelters). Fortifications and defence batteries.
- Documental Sources and documents for the study of War Industrial Heritage. Militar libraries and files.
- The recovering of original troop models, attire and arms. (Especialized associations).
- Control and repression equipment concentration or extermination camps, etc).
According to this, the industrial itinerary that we suggest is a visit to the factory places related to the arm production preservated in Asturias, and exactly, the arm factories in Trubia and de la Vega in Oviedo.
Presentation and inauguration of the Meeting by the authorities that sponsors the event: Council of Gijón, Principate of Asturias Government, Architects and Industrial Engineers Professional Associations, Ministry of Defence and other sponsoring organizations, collaborators and INCUNA representatives.
?Speech of Eusebi Casanelles, Executive President of TICCIH -International and Director of the Science and Technique Museum of Cataluña.
?Speech of Miguel Ángel Álvarez Areces, President of TICCIH- Spain.
Admisión free to the opening session.
" Industrial Heritage. Places in danger".
"The situation of the industrial heritage in spain. places in danger".
Coffee- Break.
Sectorial Reports, Debate and Round Table.
With the participation of TICCIH members. Will take part: Julián Sobrino Simal ,Teacher at the Architecture Faculty of Sevilla); Mercedes López García (Teacher of Engineering Aesthetics at Madrid Technical University); Javier Díaz Soro (Editor of "Cazarabet" and "Alarifes", Teruel ( Aragón); Inmaculada Aguilar Civera (Professor of de History of Art, Person in charge of the Chair "Demetrio Ribes", Valencia University), Asunción Feliú Torras (Vice- chairwoman of AMCTAIC, Cataluña), Alberto Humanes (Spanish Institute of Historical Heritage, Ministry of Culture). José María Sierra (Cantabria University), Nuria López- Rosso (Cultural Manager of, Madrid), Montserrat Bofill ("Historia Viva", Cataluña), Miguel Ángel Álvarez Areces (Chairman of INCUNA Asturias ).
Debate, Round Table and communicate of TICCIH Spain about Industrial Heritage: places in danger.
Concierto. Activities.
"THE ARMS FACTORIES TERRITORY IN ASTURIAS". By Aladino Fernández García, Teacher of Geography at Oviedo University. Asturias.
the militar and industrial revolution´s heritage in spain". By the General Vice-Chairman of Cultural Action and Historical Heritage of the Ministry of Defence: Colonel Aurelio Manuel Valdés Sánchez.
Coffee- Break.
"informing the reuse of militar heritage in england".
By Jeremy Lake, Monuments Inspector of the English Heritage.
Round Table.
Summary of Communications Presented at the Meeting (Part I).
Industrial Itinerary in Gijón: Visiting the Laboral University, Coastal Park with elements of war defence, Santa Catalina´s hill in Cimadevilla y Providencia´s Park, Rehabilitation of El Coto former Army Barrack, Railway Museum, Viña Lithography, Capua´s Citadel, Botanic Garden and Village of Asturias Ethnographic Museum.
"West Side Foundry. An archaeological site under development as a public site" .
By Patrick Martin, Director of Graduate Sudies and Teacher of Archaeology at Michigan University ( EE.UU. ).
By Juan José Castillo, Work Sociology Professor at Madrid Complutense University.
"war industrial heritage : reusing experiences"
? "Reusing experiences in Spain".
? "Reusing Experiences in Latin America.."
? "Restructuring of the german submarines base in Saint Nazaire. France. International Architecture Contest. 1996." By Noël Guetnyn, Saint Nazaire Municipalyty Manager.
Summary of Communications Presented at the Meeting (Part II).
Presentation of the book Nº 5 of the "The eyes of Memory" collection, with the records of the VI International Meeting of Industrial Heritage. INCUNA 2004.
Industrial Itinerary in Gijón: Visiting Railway Museum, Santa Catalina Hill and Providencia Park Defensive Forts, rehabilitation of El Coto former Army Barrack, Viña Litography, Capua´s Citadel, Laboral University, Botanic Garden and Village of Asturias Ethnographic Museum.
Guided Visit to the Arms Factories of La Vega and Trubia, with it´s social and residential Heritage; Visit to the town of Bandujo and the natural environment of the Trubia´s Valley; San Feliz Palace, Las Caldas, Junigro Residential Area in Trubia, Bear Route in Proaza and Teverga´s Valley.
Registration for the meetings entitles to receive diverse material in relation to the meetings and certificate of attendance. Registration fees are the following:
A.- Complete Meeting (including trip ): 90
B.- Members of INCUNA (including trip): 65 .
C.- Members of INCUNA (without trip): 30 .
D.- General (without trip): 60 .
E.- Students, Unemployed, Retired Persons: 40
F.- Students, Unemployed, Retired Persons (including trip): 75
The money should be deposited in the bank account of the Association INCUNA in Cajastur:
C/C: 2048 0003 69 0340103287
Diplomas will be drawn up to the speakers, also to the papers submitted, as well as certificates of attendance to the meetings.
We put up the steps of lodgins and special menu offer for the congresists.
We invite all the persons interested in presenting papers, to send their proposals related to the Meeting items to INCUNA. For the papers´acceptance a previous sending of and abstract of the paper vill be neccessary. This abstract should have a maximum of 10 lines . The limit for the reception is July 15th, 2005. The address is:
Secretaría Técnica VII Jornadas
C/ La Muralla, 3 entlo
33202 Gijón
The papers should have a maximum of 8 pages, and illustrations and bibliographical references. Must be submitted on a disk or CD-Rom in Word or similar, and a copy in paper. The deadline is August 31st, 2005. It is neccesary to be registered and assist to the Meeting to present and read the paper and for its subsequent publication.
María del Amor Díaz Alonso
C/ La Muralla, 3 entlo.- 33202 Gijón
Tlf/ fax: 985 319385
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Please, send this Registration Form by mail, fax or e-mail with the receipt of the deposit in the Meeting Account to the address:
Secretaría Técnica VII Jornadas
C/ La Muralla, 3 entlo33202 Gijón (Asturias)
Tlf/ Fax: 985 31 93 85.
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