About the (Legendary)
Pedro Pietri, Nuyorican Hero and Founding Poet...
El Reverendo Pedro Pietri with his son, Speedo Juan Pietri @ Lincoln Center Outdoors,
Summer 2001
El Reverendo Pedro Pietri, "Spanglish Metaphor Consultant," member of the Latin Insomniacs Motorcycle Club Without Motorcycles, Inc. - writer, poet and dramatist. He is a Native New Yorker Born In Ponce Puerto Rico. His work is known for his sociopolitical exposition of the circumstances of the Puerto Rican Diaspora, especially in New York. In his lyrical, surrealistic and scatological language, described by Dr. Alfredo Matilla: "His work summarizes the literary expression of that Diaspora, collecting and documenting the language, idiosyncrasies, aspirations, mores and obstacles that it confronts within the North American Society to validate it�s existence." PUERTO RICAN OBITUARY (1973), his most renowned book of poetry, has been translated into 13 languages by Monthly Review Press. He most recently published a bilingual (English/Italian) anthology of his poetry in Milan, Italy.
Works of REV. PEDRO include:
PUERTO RICAN OBITUARY, Spanish Edition, Institute of Puertorican Culture (1977) > INVISIBLE POETRY, Downtown Train Publications (1977) > LOST IS THE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Ediciones Huracan (1979) > INVISIBLE POETRY/ONZICHTBARE, Dutch Edition, Steef Davidson, Holland (1981) > TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS, Waterfront Press (1983) > RENT-A-COFFIN, Downtown Train Publications (1983) >THE MASSES ARE ASSES, Waterfront Press (1984) > ILLUSIONS OF A REVOLVING DOOR, University of Puerto Rico (1992) >SCARAFAGGI METROPOLITANI/METRO COCKAROACH, Baldini & Castoldi, Italy (1993) > THE MASSES ARE ASSES, Spanish Edition, Institute of Puerto Rican Culture (1997) > PUERTO RICAN OBITUARY, Bi-lingual Edition, Isla Negra Editores (2000) > OUT OF ORDER/FUORI SERVIZIO, CUEC, Italy (2001)
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